HST Cycle 31 Theory Program Funded

Prof. Keller’s HST Archival Research Program “Teasing Apart the Effects of Radiation and SN Feedback in Simulated Observations of Dwarf Galaxies”, with Prof. Ferah Munshi of George Mason University, has been funded!

With the advent of new, fast radiative transfer solvers, the full cosmological history of dwarf galaxies can be simulated at high resolution. This program will conduct a campaign of simulations with a novel, efficient method for radiative transfer to uncover the impact of radiation feedback on dwarf galaxies. We aim to answer three key questions by tying new simulations to HST observations: (1) How does radiation feedback change the star formation histories in dwarf galaxies? (2) How does radiation feedback change the DM response to SN feedback? (3) How does radiation feedback alter the baryon cycle and the state of the ISM & CGM? Our proposal will result in a publicly available database for the new simulations, which contains mock HST CMDs, simulated SFHs and mock CGM absorption maps available to both constrain both observations and future simulations.

Memphis Galaxy Simulation Group

Understanding galaxy formation through theory and simulation.

HST Program Funded
